Reflecting on all the Good
When I look back over my life I’m totally amazed by all the good things that have happened along the way. I don’t attribute this to anything I have done or deserve. I have had many people believe in me when I couldn’t believe in myself.
First of all my Ma who always believed the best for me and I’m sure prayed 20 times a day that I would turn around and straighten up.
Then my eldest sister Astrid who was my second Mother and who took me in when I got in trouble and I’m sure prayed over me to get my stuff together.
My Aunt Clydene who in her wonderful Oklahoma way loved me from when I can remember till the day she died.
The list goes on and on and I’m completely overwhelmed by all who have helped me along the way. My friend George, Kenny, and all my friends from that association who saw something in me that I couldn’t see at the time.
The list goes on and on. I can’t possibily name all who have helped from Doctors to other outside help.
I guess were I’m going with this is have you ever just sat and thought of all who have helped you and gone on to their maker or those still working every day to make your life and others a better life?
First and foremost my family today is of great support to me and what I do. I can’t Thank my wife enough.
Thanksgiving is coming our way but maybe it’s time to be Thankful every day and I am today. I have nothing absolutely nothing to feel sorry for myself about. Oh I have had many trials and tribulations, but if I look around there is nothing that has happened to me that even compares to others.
Lastly I’m very grateful to all of you who have supported me through all this journey of writing a blog, poems, and books.. Thanks to all..