
New book: The Unfinished

Posted by on Dec 7, 2022 in Book | 0 comments

Finally my new book is out in e-book and print. Go to Amazon. then books and type in Russell B. Crites. It will come up (or click here).. Thanks for your patience. I’m very excited to finally get the finished book out for you to enjoy. Hope there is something that makes you think or something that makes you hopeful or remember. Search for “The Unfinished” and My hope is that you enjoy.

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The new book “The Dread”

Posted by on Dec 14, 2013 in Blog, Book, Featured | 0 comments

The new book “The Dread”

*Update* The Dread book is now available in eBook, iBookstore, and paperback formats! Click the blue link in the preceding sentence to see the options. Thanks again! The new book “The Dread” is just around the corner, we are just finishing the final proofreads and the polishing before the big release. Thank you Mary Pat for all your input and your proofreading. Thank you Eric Hanson, the graphic design farmer, for your beautiful cover (rough draft below) and your layout of the book itself. The book is set in Northern Montana in...

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Book Signing at the Gildford Merc

Posted by on May 12, 2013 in Blog, Book, Events | 0 comments

The book signing went well in the old Gildford  store or merc .. The old store has stood here for as long as the town I imagine. Nice people the Hausers’ run the store now, Ted and Laura, good friends and good people. We had a nice turnout. I explained that the book was based on a true incident, but the book is fictional. I’m just overwhelmed at the compliments and the interest this book has engendered.  

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The Long Awakening is Now Available on Lulu

Posted by on Mar 25, 2013 in Blog, Book | 0 comments

The Long Awakening is now available at in Paperback and eBook formats.

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