Old days

When I think back about growing up times have certainly changed. Just a few random thoughts.

Outdoor toliet was the facility in winter and in summer. The pump house was at least 75 to 100 yards from the house and we carried pails of water winter and summer. My kids were always told that is why my arms are so long from carrying water from the pump house to the house.

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Between my Junior and Senior year in High School my brother-in-law came to me with a proposition. He was married to my oldest sister and ran the buses for the school in the little town they lived in. He wanted to go and pick up a new bus in Lima, Ohio and asked if I wanted to accompany him. The deal was sealed when I discovered he’d asked 6 girls my age to go on the train trip…

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Reflecting on all the Good

When I look back over my life I’m totally amazed by all the good things that have happened along the way.

I don’t attribute this to anything I have done or deserve.

I have had many people believe in me when I couldn’t believe in myself…

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A Good Deed is not Forgotten..

We had some characters on the Prairie when I was growing up. One in particular lived to the east and a little to the south of us. My Dad had been telling about this individual but apparently I hadn’t listened too well or had thought he was just pulling my leg. He was always telling me something to see how I would react, I think he didn’t want me to grow up believing everything someone said…

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The Fearless Pigeon Hunters

My one older cousin, myself, and a just younger cousin entertained ourselves many, many nights by pigeon hunting. No the object was not to kill or hurt the pigeons but to capture as many as we could and keep them for pets.

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