November 22, 1963

Near as I can tell I was in the 7th Grade when President Kennedy was killed. It is a day I remember very well. I was in school at Gildford Public Schools, a very close community and school. At that time the grades from 1st thru High School went to the same building, so when we were all in the lunch room that day they said for no one to leave as they had an announcement for all of us…

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Kindergarten Hooligan

I must have been an independent rebellious child…

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She had her chance to Run..

My 37th Wedding Anniversary recently went by, so I got to thinking back about when Mary Pat and I decided to travel to Idaho in late February of 1978 to get hitched. We traveled from Havre, Montana to Hamilton, Montana where my folks had retired. We planned to stay the night at my folks house and then travel to somewhere in Idaho the next day to get hitched. My bride-to-be had never met my folks…

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My Grandpa Bud

My Grandpa on my mom’s side was dead before I came around. His name was Floyd Light although no one ever called him Floyd, he was called Bud by everyone including my Mother. Bud, yes you heard right, the original Bud Light, long before the brand of beer…

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A little boy a long time ago.

I was a lonely little boy growing up on the Prairie, 17 miles north of the nearest town. My folks were 42 and 41 when I was born. The nearest kids my age were 5 miles to the southwest. One was a little older, a girl and one was a little younger, a boy. What a time we 3 had…

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