A Favorite Niece

Facebook is always asking about something and the other day it asked it you had a favorite niece? I replied I had many nieces and nephews that were all important to me.  I was fortunate to be born with a nephew and a niece already older than me. My nephew Darryl made it clear to me when I was small that when I was visiting I was his cousin not his uncle or there would be dire consequences.

Daryl Thackeray, Russ Crites, and Jacay Thackeray

Me in the middle


I think we always got along

My niece Jacay and I always, always got along. I can’t recall a cross or a bad word passed between us our entire lives. She was one of those special people who was always interested and concerned in what I did. She followed me through some rebellious periods of my life and some troubled times. She was always the one who thought the best of me even when that wasn’t quite true.


She laughed at my jokes, which at times she really didn’t understand till a whole day later. She would come the next day or hours later at times and say , ” I know what you meant now!” and laugh and laugh.. No she wasn’t slow, but she just had to think about stuff for awhile.

To say the very least I loved her all my life. She ended up with breast cancer and fought the good fight as the cancer went into remission then returned with a vengeance. When I saw her in the hospital the last time she said she loved me and I told her the same. I miss you Beautiful Lady. Strange when you lose someone who loves you there certainly is a hole. There are people on this earth that we just assume will be there our whole lives and when we lose one of these precious ones it tells us to Love today not next week.

Jacay Thackeray High School Graduation, 1969

Graduation, 1969

I miss you pretty Lady.


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