My Hero
My Dad is on my mind on Veterans Day. To me he was a real hero. He like many others served in the Armed Forces. He was in North Africa, Sicily, and Italy in WWII. He was in 4 campaigns and received the Purple Heart for being wounded in Italy when the enemy overran his outfit’s position and he was hit with a German pistol a P-38. The bullet was cut out about an eighth of an inch from his spine. When he came home he most likely had what they called Battle Fatigue then and PT Syndrome now.
Dad on leave in the 1940’s, My Hero
My earliest memories was that he talked to me about all of these experiences and I’m so glad I listened. I could go on and on but all I want to say is that I’m a very proud son of this Veteran and grateful for his sacrifice and all others that have served including my oldest son, Lance. Thank you one and all.