Lookin Back…
I think it was the Great Satchel Paige who said don’t look back there may be something gaining on you. This guy likes to look back to see where he came from. I like to remember the lessons learned and the especially where I came from and the people who taught me what is important to me today. Here is a few pictures of the ol’ farm/ranch then and now. What did I learn? I learned hard work is a reward unto itself and honesty and straight-forwardness are the best qualities. I learned that simple pleasures are the best and I learned to entertain myself.
I have a lot of memories of this place, of animals both big and small, of chores, of running water that you carried in pails from the pump house to the house. I think of rattle snakes and antelope, porcupines, skunks, hens and roosters. I think of pigs, horses, and cows and calves. I think of sheep and ducks, geese, and tame rabbits.
I think about outdoor johns, wintery nights at 40 below zero, summer days at 105 above with no air-conditioning and not a breath of air. I think of spring time with the Sweet Grass Hills in the distance, of harvest time with the winter wheat a golden color that can’t be reproduced. I see the sage with it’s greenish/blue hue that only Charlie Russell could paint. I can see the prairie grass and the sage hens. I see the brilliant sunrise and the equally beautiful sunsets. I feel the strength of the prairie wind and the heat of the sun on my face.
Mostly I think of the two people who raised me to be what I am today. Yes I respect you Mr. Paige, but looking back is good for one’s soul. I’m glad my memory is crystal clear about this place and when I was raised.