
After yet another move and the job of unpacking boxes, putting stuff away, and hunting “where the hell is that” goes on.

Then comes the task of hanging pictures and putting nick-knacks and books away..

Today we decided finally where our old parlor mirror should go and spent a couple hours getting it level and hung just so.

When asked where it came from before we inherited it my wife said it was in her Aunt and Uncle’s house when she was little and she was pretty sure it came from her Grandmother and Grandfather before that.

I also put an old mirror of my folks on the shelf in my study today.

All of this activity got me wondering what these two old mirrors had reflected in their many years hanging on many different walls.

I know they reflected joy, laughter, anger, tears, and all manner of moods since they have hung on our walls..

But how about the many years before?

What did they reflect on those walls?

The parlor mirror at her Grandparents house saw them when they were young and their children growing up, yes and saw them growing old together. It reflected changes as grandchildren, nephews, and nieces came along..

The mirror in my folks house saw many changes and kids and grandkids too. Neighbors and friends coming to the door and some very happy times, some sad too.

How I wish I could see all the reflections these two old mirrors have seen in their times on the walls.. What a treasure that would be..

Just some thoughts hanging mirrors today.

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