Me and My Sis

My sister Arla and I used to fight like cats and dogs. When I think about it she is a cat person and I am a dog person, maybe it stems from that? Although my sister Astrid is a cat person and her and I have only had one disagreement in our lives. Now I should clarify that the disagreements my sis Arla and I had were a long time ago when I was young. I remember one time in particular when she was assigned the disagreeable job of babysitting me out on the farm when the folks went to town. As I recall we fought most of the day account I didn’t think she should be able to tell me what to...

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Way out in the sticks

My wife’s cousin Carol who was raised around Ledger, Montana wrote the other day about rural Montana. She said she figures with Montana there’s rural, very rural, and way the hell out in the sticks rural. I know what she is talking about. …with Montana there’s rural, very rural, and way the hell out in the sticks rural. When I tell my kids we had running water out on the farm, I meant we went to the pump house about 75 yards from the house and we pumped water into pails and we ran to the house with the pails. I carried a lot of water buckets to the house, I always...

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