The Beautiful Bitterroot

I started going to the Bitterroot Valley in Western Montana when I was 7 years old, so that adds up to about 55 years ago. Many wonderful memories over all those years. Some of the best are from hunting trips and summer adventures. My dad and mother built a cabin over in this beautiful area in 1981.

Beautiful Bitteroot - Montana Musings

My dad who loved to hunt was in hog-heaven, a cabin right next to a wonderful mountainous area. He always said when you came in at night from a long day of hunting that “the hard assed hunters are out of the hills.” This country will really try you out as it is always up or down and each direction is very steep. My knees feel the hills a lot the last few years, can’t understand it they used to go up and down without any protest at all. Must have something to do with my diet can’t be my age!

…the hard assed hunters are out of the hills!

Hard hunters out of the hills

Hard hunters in the hills

The hunting was never the primary objective, getting away to clear your mind and the hunting partners is what I remember the most. Some of my partners have went to the big hunting hills beyond the clouds, hope Bernard, Colin, Joe, and especially my favorite and first partner my Dad are enjoying themselves.

The memories of many days are numerous and precious. My dad always said the Good Lord never counts the days you went hunting against you, so I have a few extra days to my credit. Might need them down the line…

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