September Morn

When I was little running naked in the house after a bath in an old tin tub or the old kitchen sink my Dad would yell” September Morn.” When I was older and my nephews and nieces would come to the house and do the same thing as 2 and 3 year old do my Dad would yell the same thing, “September Morn.” Typical of my Dad he never did explain this and when you would ask him about it he would ignore that and go onto some other subject. This continued on to when I was a parent and my children would run around the house after their bath and I would replace my Dad and yell...

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Me and My Sis

My sister Arla and I used to fight like cats and dogs. When I think about it she is a cat person and I am a dog person, maybe it stems from that? Although my sister Astrid is a cat person and her and I have only had one disagreement in our lives. Now I should clarify that the disagreements my sis Arla and I had were a long time ago when I was young. I remember one time in particular when she was assigned the disagreeable job of babysitting me out on the farm when the folks went to town. As I recall we fought most of the day account I didn’t think she should be able to tell me what to...

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Blue linoleum

This is a picture of some old blue linoleum found under a rug upstairs in a bedroom we are remodeling. When I uncovered it I remembered a story my mother and oldest sister had told me. In the 1930’s when my mother was married to her first husband, Hollis my dad’s cousin, times were very hard. There was no work for a farm hand and if there was work the farmer had very little to pay. The farmer usually would try to provide a place to live and something to eat for labor. If money was paid it was very minimal. Hollis, my mom, and my oldest sister therefore moved from place to place...

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Splash – The Long Awakening

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Buried Treasure

Growing up 17 miles north of Gildford with 2 people who were 42 when I was born and a sister who was 10 years older I learned to entertain myself. I learned especially to use my imagination and played a lot of games by myself. I knew how to entertain myself for sure. One of the things I enjoyed was playing cowboy. Of course I had real horses around, and I had the cowboy hat, and the toy guns and holsters. When I could talk Dad into playing cowboy that was good, but most of the time it was me, myself, and I. One day I decided I would hide my guns or I was mad at them for some reason. I really...

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