Elongated Livers

When I was about 5 or 6 my mother had her old picture album out. One picture in particular held my attention it was a very old man with a long beard, his complexion was pasty white, and his eyes were closed. The caption underneath read, “A Dead Man.” I asked my mom what the heck was this all about. She explained that in the early times, they did that when someone died they took their picture, because they probably hadn’t had a picture taken for years. She said this was something they just did as a matter of course years ago. This led to a discussion of how my relatives all...

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Montana Spring

I don’t understand How it can be when you leave a place and return? How it’s familiar but how it’s not the Same?…

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Pop’s Day

Thinking about my old Dad today. Since Fathers Day is the middle of summer we never had a big celebration. It was always right in the middle of summer work on the farm. Always something to do, whether it was pick rock, or summer fallow, tend to animals, not a lot of time to celebrate. My Dad never had his Dad around so he always said he didn’t know what to do as far as being a Dad went. I’m here to tell you Dad you did great. Funny how when you’re little you put them right up there with the Gods and then while you are a teen you only see their faults. I know today that you...

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The Snuff Tasting

When I was very small, I imagine about 3 or 4, I was intrigued by my Dad and his snuff. He chewed Copenhagen, a 3 can a day habit. I of course figured it was candy and begged him every day for a little. Finally over the protests of my mother he gave in and gave me a big chew. I swallowed it very quickly and immediately it came back up. For years I couldn’t be around even the smell of it. Don’t know if this is in the parents manual how to keep a kid from chewing tobaccy, but it sure as heck worked with me. No I don’t recommend it, but maybe this was the forerunner of...

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The Wedding Dance

We attended  a wedding for my wife’s cousin’s daughter this last weekend. My wife’s cousin Jeff is fighting cancer and is presently undergoing chemo. He and many others that have fought this battle know the fatigue, the not feeling good and the loss of hair, just to mention a few things. Jeff had been planning and looking forward to this wedding and was determined to walk down the aisle with his daughter and help with the setup and planning. He accomplished all of the above. But the highlight for me was the wedding dance with Jeff and his beautiful daughter together...

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