The Belt

Almost every day for the past over 30 some years I’ve worn a belt made for me by a friend that has been dead since late 1979. I am reminded every day how lucky I am to be alive and somewhat in control of my faculties. My friend struggled mightily with his problems and in the end they were just too much for him. His problems didn’t allow him to go forward and drug him back into the pit he’d emerged from. The end came in an accident that took his life and 2 others. I think of you often my friend, it doesn’t seem that long ago till I look at this old well-worn leather...

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This greeting you see in the title came from one of my favorite aunts who is gone now, Clydene Swinney. She was a large woman with a larger heart. Whenever you came to her house or came to visit her in the retirement home or rest home in later years you would be greeted by “Howdee”. My aunt was from Enid, Oklahoma and her southern hospitality and warm loving heart will stay with me forever. She was the world’s best cook, sorry mom, and you knew she loved you. I don’t want to ever forget the people who made me who I am today. Thanks aunt Clydene.

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My Acting Debut – Winter in the Blood

I was contacted by a fellow from our local radio station in the summer of 2011 looking for old cars for movie props for the movie Winter in the Blood.  He came and looked at the cars and about 2 weeks later I was told on a Thursday I would need to bring 3 cars to the set at the Walleye Tavern between Kremlin and Havre on Saturday. What a scramble to get a couple of them running. Oh by the way the fellow said would you be interested in sitting in a bar scene? Do you remember how it was to sit in the bar? I said “I think I can remember!” What a blast, we drove and hauled the cars...

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Book Signing at the Gildford Merc

The book signing went well in the old Gildford  store or merc .. The old store has stood here for as long as the town I imagine. Nice people the Hausers’ run the store now, Ted and Laura, good friends and good people. We had a nice turnout. I explained that the book was based on a true incident, but the book is fictional. I’m just overwhelmed at the compliments and the interest this book has engendered.  

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Damn Wind

The rusty barbed wire around the blog site is not just for decoration. I worked for a conductor on the Railroad who said to me after a discussion one day in the caboose, Russ, I like you, but you are a little rough around the edges! I think he was particularly exasperated with me that particular day, as I was griping and complaining about everyone and everything I could think of in colorful language. He was a gentle soul who never said a bad word about anyone, finally when I was complaining about the wind blowing as it always does in northern Montana, he said, You know I like the wind it...

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