My Friend, Dick C.

I met my friend Dick C. who happened to be my father-in-law when he was in his middle 50’s. He passed away about a year ago now at 88 years old. In those 30 some years I knew him he and I became good friends. I learned a lot from him along the way. I’d like to share some of the things I learned. The biggest lesson I learned is that you can follow your dreams at any age. After the death of Dick’s youngest daughter he decided he would pursue a life long dream of flying. At the age when most people are making excuses to everyone around them about how they can’t learn or...

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Christmas Past

Thinking today about Christmas Past. Looking at these old pictures brings back some real good memories. Of course I don’t remember the 1951 Christmas, but I do the 1959 picture with my Dad. Looks like a very happy boy in that picture. You know Christmas was always very special and I was always happy at that age and for some years after that. Then came some Christmas’s that weren’t very happy and I lost the spirit of Christmas along the way. It got so bad that I used to dread Christmas coming along when I was a young man in my 20’s. When I married Mary Pat she loved...

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The new book “The Dread”

*Update* The Dread book is now available in eBook, iBookstore, and paperback formats! Click the blue link in the preceding sentence to see the options. Thanks again! The new book “The Dread” is just around the corner, we are just finishing the final proofreads and the polishing before the big release. Thank you Mary Pat for all your input and your proofreading. Thank you Eric Hanson, the graphic design farmer, for your beautiful cover (rough draft below) and your layout of the book itself. The book is set in Northern Montana in the 1950’s into the 1980’s...

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Good People Make a Difference

When I was young and very foolish I got kicked out of High School and moved 100 miles from my home to live with my sister Astrid and her family. To be honest I was suspended from school for 3 days and it was decided that I should go to my sister’s home. This was my Junior year in High School and it was just the start of Basketball season. I missed the rest of Basketball because my folks did not move with me so I couldn’t participate in my new school’s Basketball program because of the Montana State High School rules. I was very hateful and bitter. I loved Basketball more...

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My Tennessee Brother-in-law

My Brother-in-law Don came into my life when I was fairly young. He was a big man and had a wonderful laugh. The first time I met him I liked him instantly. At the time he married my sister my folks were still on the farm and we had animals as well as farm land. We had pigs, cows, horses, chickens and maybe still some ducks. After observing all this one day my Brother-in-law announced to my Dad in his southern drawl, Bill, they told me this was the land of the Big Sky, but now I see it’s the land of the Pig Sty! Montana of course is a land for hunting in the fall of the year and my...

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